Guide to Quarantining

Hello everyone!

So, unless you've been living under a rock, I'm sure you guys know what's been going on in the world. People worldwide have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic- some more than others. However, a LOT of people are on 'lockdown' right now- which, unsurprisingly, is boring. Here are some things that I recommend doing so that you keep your sanity.

Before I start, I just want to say that my thoughts are with all of you- especially those who are more vulnerable or are in a country that has been hit hard. I am very aware that, even though I am upset about what has been going on, there are plenty of people who have it so much worse. To those of you who have had events cancelled, I'm sorry. To the class of 2020, I'm sorry. To those of you have been struggling with your mental or physical health because of this, I'm so so sorry. You are not alone. 

Here are some of the things I suggest doing to keep you occupied...

1. Keep in touch with your friends.
I hate the term 'social distancing'. While we should be distancing ourselves PHYSICALLY, we are SOCIALLY UNITED- now more than ever! Text your friends. FaceTime them. Check up on them every so often. You can watch movies together with them on the Netflix Party app. You may not realise it, but not keeping in touch with your friends will take it's toll eventually. Plus, they probably understand your personal situation the best- since they may be going through the exact same thing. But please please PLEASE don't meet up with them physically! Keep it virtual xx. 

2. Keep your brain active.
Most of us have a lot of time off school. While it might feel great to sit and watch TikToks all day long, it (again) will take its toll! Self-teach yourself an instrument, start learning a language, keep on top of your schoolwork, it can be anything! Just make sure that you're engaging your brain in something besides Netflix (however tempting it may be!).

3. Exercise.
Yay... working out... everyone's favourite hobby!! On a real note, sitting around all day is not good for your mental and physical health. You don't need to do gruelling workouts everyday, just make sure you keep active. Put your music on and take a walk (in your house/garden) or dance in your room. No one's going to judge! If you do want hard workouts to do, find home workouts to do on YouTube. I channel I recommend is MadFit: the lady who owns it does workouts to songs which is effective and, dare I say, fun. 

4. Unleash your creativity.
You can write, read, play an instrument, draw, paint- anything like that. Make sure you pick something you enjoy so that it doesn't feel like a chore. 

5. Have productive days... sometimes.
There are going to be days where you have this sudden burst of motivation and will get lots done. However, there are also going to be days where you just want to stay in bed. Guess what? That's okay too! We're going to be stuck here for a while, so to assume that every day is going to be super productive is just unrealistic. My best advice is to say to yourself: "for every 2 days I get lots done, I'll give myself a day off". This will keep you motivated and, in the long run, you will end up being more productive.

6. Self-care self-care self-care!
Look after yourselves! Take a long, hot bath. Do a face mask. Paint your nails. Eat healthily. Tidy your room. Journal your feelings. Watch your favourite movie. Remember, how you feel mentally is just as important as how you feel physically...

7. If you feel anxious about what's going on...
Turn off the news. Talk to someone about how you're feeling. Try channelling those feelings into something more positive.

So, there you have it. My 6 tips on how to keep your sanity while quarantining. Please remember to take care of yourselves and your loved ones. And, also, please stay home! Even if the virus isn't deadly for you, you might pass it on to someone who may not survive it. Think WE, not ME. But, hey. On the plus side, this will give you plenty of time to do the thing that you've always wanted to do but "didn't have enough time for...".

Stay safe,

Alisha xx


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