January Reflection and February Resolutions

Hello everybody!

Welcome back to my blog. Happy February! Honestly, it feels like January took forever to end. Usually time flies by, especially in such eventful months, but January took a long time for some reason. 

We all know the worldwide things that happened in January. There were earthquakes, fires, an idol passed away and there was even a potential war. Not the best start to the year for all of us in my opinion! But there were also a lot if personal highlights for me- which I will be reflecting on in this post. 

This month I... 

Celebrated New Years with my family and friends. My family came over from New York and London and we spent the Christmas and New Year holidays together. Also, my really close friends came here too. 

Got my mid year exam results back. I'm in the British system and am in Year 10- the first year of my GCSEs. So these exams were technically the first exams I've ever sat as a GCSE student- and Alhamdulillah they went pretty well!

Started MUN again. For anyone who doesn't know, MUN stands for Model United Nations and we get assigned topics to debate while representing assigned countries. I got put in the Human Rights Commission- my first choice!

Made new friends. I also got closer to the newer ones I made last year. 

Applied for a scholarship at Cambridge University. The program's called Immersive Education and I applied for the creative writing subject. I had to write a short story and the winner gets a scholarship to a 2-week summer school in Cambridge this summer. I genuinely don't think I'll get it- but I had fun writing the story! 

Started a fanfiction with my friend. We're currently working on a Harry Potter based story together. Also, she's working on an anime fan fiction and since I'm not the biggest anime fan, I'm editing it. 

Registered for my Year 11 subjects. I'm keeping all 12 of the subjects I am taking this year. I might go into further detail in another post. 

Celebrated my brother's birthday. He turned 11 on the 27 January- he's 3 and a half years younger than me. 

Started a blog. Yup. You're reading it right now. This is only my second post- so we'll see where this goes haha. 

So... yeah. All in all, it was a pretty exciting month for me personally. 

Academically speaking, February should be a slower month. I don't have any exams or any decisions to make. However, there are a few little goals I want to set myself.

This month I want to... 

Get healthier! I'm going to try eating my 5 a day and also doing one of those 30-day fitness challenges. Wish me luck haha. 

Stay on top of my school work. Even though I said this should be a slower month, I still have exams coming up and we're still doing a lot in class and I really don't want to fall behind.

Finish my Duke of Edinburgh sections. I'm on the bronze level and I need to finish my skill and service. 

Continue with my blog. Again, I've only written 2 posts including this one- but so far I'm really enjoying it.

Write more fan fiction. This point kind of speaks for itself...

So that's that. My January summed up and my February Resolutions. We'll see if I stick to them!! 

I hope you enjoyed this post. Thank you so much for reading it and comment down any suggestions for other posts. 

Speak soon,

Alisha xx


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